♥ Thursday, October 21, 2010♥
AMSTEEL FACTORY VISIT~~~Last week, Got a chance to visit industry factory
Ah it got me surprise to have the visit so early : )
Unfortunately dint really have much chance to take photo .......have to move fast + wearing glove..cannot hold my phone well.....

Only manage to get the front door ...< href="http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs446.ash2/71938_457966899030_532434030_5370726_3712866_n.jpg">

Then attend a short classes about the factory overall process and blablabla.......
This old man called Mr.Loh .....His way of teaching reminds me of Mr.Siew ~~damn leceh 1
As usual, SAFETY 1st!!!!

Need to wear these things before enter factory ........Inside factory damn freaking hot ...+ this....it gonna be more hot T_T

Nearly drop my phone when taking this......Never thought the glove is so slippery
See the Red glowing thing? ...that molten metal ....It is about 1.6k C or 900 C ...no idea is which ...I stand about 10m away ....can feel the hotness (my face is about to burn if I stay longer) @.@ I wonder how bout the ppl below that thing......

Look @ the middle of the photo .....(sry , set exposure too high) Saw the reddish glowing thing there? .....below there is Electric Arc Furnace .....The metal is dropped into that furnace and then melted @ 1.5k to 1.9k C

I think that thing called tundish ....able to carry about 55tonne of metal scrap .....When it dropping the metal to the Furnace........the tundish will burned from below ....the flame actually able to cover up whole tundish ....@.@
---Too tired to take picture later =,=" ......walk all the way to another factory where the metal is make into different type of size and shape......I saw alot of CNC machine ~.~ feel like using 1 to make sthg I like !!
Den back to office~~for lunch ....their lunch is damn nice~~~every1 take the food till a mountain is formed errr I mean the boys .....LOL
Ok that all for now~~~ BB rushing to my next class
Next update will be short review on manga(s)
still dreaming @ 11:15 PM
♥ Tuesday, October 12, 2010♥
Readed some interesting quote from an anime...Lol
"Well everyone is born into different situations,
Whether is your houses, your family or your looks,
That's why there are so many idiots who simply remain dreamers,
But I'm smart, so I'm not gonna lose to my dream"
Kind of nostalgic to me ...no idea why thou ....
(to some1)
♥ Sunday, October 10, 2010♥
Dilemma ~~~~No idea which club I also enter zzz.....wanna get into sports for now ...Dint exercise or practice any sport for damn long liao......body also became weak =="
Still.....Y is the sport selection so wide ....swt
Just think which want I should join already make me headache ....Arghhh.......1 person max can join 5 club/societies..
Currently already into Society of Engineering and Technology(SET) + Taylor ANime Society (TAS) .................@.@
Best part in taylor -> Got BEATBOX club
♥ Wednesday, October 6, 2010♥
Kind of sad to my Starcraft 2 (SC2) performance now.....Been practicing like mad ....but couldnt even at least move a stage in most of the tournament ......zzzzzzzzzzz
Ou well....Enrolled to Mech.Eng to Taylor's University
Orientation week is freaking boring ......so many free time between each session...Skipped almost all evening session...LOL ... Rather online @ house den wasting time wandering around Taylor.
Anyway....I would never thought there is a girl enrolled to M.eng in Taylor .....swt.....today another girl appear ( i guess she skip past orientation?) .....or maybe she actually Chemical Eng student but got wrong time and mix into M.Eng class? ....since both share the same class early ....LOL .....
♥ ♥

Bungaku Shoujo start of as Light Novel(JP...short stories novel with about 200 page)
It has total of 8 volume of the series with about 7 different stories related to classic literature(bungaku)
It revolve on a girl which she called herself, Literature Girl, the girl who eat stories (as in paper).
opss, She called Amano Touko.
It later produces movie and few OVA episode and now having manga serialization.
The story start when a boy, Konoha Inoue, accidentally met Touko while she is eating the paper. Touko is then enraged and force Konoha into Literature club so that she could keep an eye on him..(excuses lol)
She actually want him to be her writer...Writing a fresh story everyday which consist of 3 random word/phrases given by her. Then she eat the story while actually enjoying as snack...=,="
-The story got more complex later on ....It expressed the meaning of classical literature in a funny/serious way. (to some is funny , to some is serious)...
Manga version
Light Novel version (CHI)
Bungaku Shoujo Club (MAL)
♥ ♥
True Tears
12 epi
I bought this anime about 3 week ago.....Took e about a week to finish the anime
Categories : Shoujo, Drama, Romance, School Life
Rating : 8/10
From what I know, this anime is adapted from a unfamous light novel. However, the plot in this anime is totally different from the novel. I guess it just took the name.
The graphic is done very well. The sound effect, OP/ED is also great.
Watching this anime has kind of the same melancholy feeling as Clannad or Kanokon..
It revolves on a triangle love with 2 girl -> 1 guy......Well, can say to be 3g-2b ....(the last 2 pair is 2ndary/supporting character). Protagonist stay with his family....Under certain reason, the girl he like live in his house too since elementary (primary school i guess)
Then a girl appear ...bla bla bla bla.....alot thing happen ....den bla bla bla....LOL ....
"I gave my tear away"
Is the 1st line introduced from the anime.
It gives a sad impression at first. But to me it seems to kind of aspiring.
Ou well...the rest...watch it yourself ": )