♥ Wednesday, November 30, 2011♥

Well new things come upon to me ~~
THings come and go : )
Now, I'm dwell into the card game where Vanguardian play with each other in a cardfight. NOT A BATTLE
For Now, I will be doing card review and deck build ~~

I Will start with Card of the Day~
Swordsman of the Twin Shine, MarhausLike Dragonic Executioner which is awesomely famous now, this guy does the same. But the difference in big between the clan. RP grade 1 booster often able to power up to 9k ( as long as the condition met). Unlike Kagerou which they dont have any of 9k booster.
What so good about 9k booster?
Marhaus has potential to attack with 12k power most of the time, with a 9k boost, 21k power is easily achieve. And current meta is focus on 11k vanguard thanks to alot good new Vanguarder, forcing 10k guard~